Saturday, April 28, 2007

More on the protest

More developments. It seems there is now a petition with over 700 signatures against the new layout. I have copy-pasted the petition explanation below.

"Hello Neopians. Once your name appears on the list, please pick up the banner below to SHOW that you signed the petition! (THIS IS MORE OF A LIST OF PEOPLE WHO HATE NEOPETS BETA, NOT SO MUCH A PETITION!) The disgusting neopets Beta is ruining coding, and is hard to manage. I mean the layout is cool, but I'd like the old neopets back.

Top Three Reasons to Sign:

1. It's ruining our HTML and CSS!
2. The pets are HIDEOUS!
3. It's hard to find stuff on the new layout!

Those in favour of signing the petition (we know petitions don't work, but I have nothing better to do with my time) neomail ME! AND ONLY ME! Just click the neomail button to sign! I will put your username up! Thanks for the support! "

More information about the petition for Neopets players

As well as the petition there are also players trying to get out information about what the changes exactly are like. The graphic below links to a petpage that shows various redraws of pets and paint jobs. I find this information very useful although I'm really hoping that some of the really ugly ones will get redrawn.

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