The fuzzle is one of the many plush toys that can be used to amuse your pet. Fuzzles come in many varieties in most every color of the rainbow and specialty colors like cloud, spotted, electric, starry, ghost as well as evil fuzzles (that look like they have been playing with light sockets and ripped fuzzles (who have lost most of their fuzz). They are no more significant than the thousands of other toys that you can buy for your pet.
In the AGW there is something special about fuzzles. The fuzzles have taken on a life of their own. One of our guild members- who I will refer as Spazz – has a special love for fuzzles. She began to collect fuzzles, but her fuzzles are extremely ill behaved. They cause all sorts of mischief and trouble. They constantly are escaping from her and invading the guild halls and showing up individual members inventories.
When dung gets thrown around or when people get yellow snowballs it is always blamed on the fuzzles getting loose (yes there are really yellow snowballs and dung in many different disgusting configurations). Any inappropriate behavior seems to be caused by the little guys. You would think they were innocent by their smiles but in our guild they are really the source of all mischief. They finally got to sponsor their own game during the winter holidays where you got to feed the fuzzles. If they liked your gift they would give you gifts and if they didn’t you were punished with dung, yellow snow, and rotten veggies.
Fuzzles are so commonplace around the guild that people view them as part of the furniture or decoration. Our guild leader has the bad habit of fuzzle smashing. She “accidentally” sits on the poor fuzzles- flattening them. We started out with a fuzzle sofa and now we have lots of furniture that resembles fuzzles (I’m thinking that someone is using smashed fuzzles to reupholster the furniture!).
One morning the guild was decorated completely in fuzzle furniture! This lounge picture is just one of many representations of how we visualize our community. You will notice beyond the fuzzle furniture that we are almost exclusively a bunch of women. We are sprawled all over the place, chilling. Our one male is kinda watching over us wearing pirate garb. We only have 5 men in our guild – the most active is our pirate. He is big time into the battledome and likes to flirt with the ladies ☺.
In another representation we also have the informal atmosphere and many of us have drinks as we unwind. Again we have the sole man surrounded by women (this time it appears to be “Matt” – another of our active guys who has managed to hurt himself ☹). You will notice the fuzzle couch still present with one guild member (most likely Spazzy) surrounded with fuzzles.
All of this to say, fuzzles are part of the lore of our community. They have become more than just Spazzy’s special item, they have a lifeforce of their own. Fuzzles have been known to “help” people win bingo, they have influenced the decisions of who’s won raffles, they have caused chaos and evil far beyond what mere pixels could normally hope to accomplish. They have provided comfort, an outlet for evilness, and seating to the members of our community. I personally am developing an army of fuzzles of my own – never know when they may come in handy. ☺
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