Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hello students.

It seems only fair that I complete the blog posts that I assign you.   My name is Kim and I'll be your instructor this semester if you are in EN112 section 1, 2 or 3 at BMCC in Spring 2011.  

This is my second semester teaching at BMCC after moving to the Soo from Minnesota.   I am an Ohio native and ended up in this area after I married my husband who has worked for the hospital in the Soo for the last decade.  My husband and I have a 15 month old puppy, a cat, and a large tank of fish. 

In my spare time, which is almost non-existent, I like to watch old television shows, work out, eat ethnic foods, and play on Facebook.   I also am a huge Renaissance festie.   I own quite a bit of garb and like to have an excuse to wear it.   I am thinking about getting involved with the madrigals next winter.

I have been teaching writing classes off and on since Fall 1999.   I love to use technology in the classroom when appropriate.   I actually had a class website since my first semester of teaching.   I actually coded it in HTML, if you can believe that.  I still sometimes work in code to fix things in Moodle :)